The Eikonikon Foundation aims to connect people with an interest in icons and icon painting. Eikonikon has provided information about icons in a magazine with the same name since 1987. At the moment the editorial board consists of Bert Groen (theologian, philosopher, scholar of modern Greek), Père Antoine Lambrechts (philologist, theologian, Chevetogne), Madelon Lagendijk en Anna Grabowska Our translator of Dutch-English articles is Lorraine Weber.
In 1991 Eikonikon published the handbook The Lexikon Eikonikon. It is written by Father Robert de Caluwé and is widely used. It contains invaluable iconographical information for all interested in icons.
Eikonikon also organised a number of icon exhibitions and Eikonikon-days with workshops and lecture series. For a list, click here.
Past issues of Eikonikon can be found in our Archive.
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